The journey to plan a successful career has to start at grass roots level, it starts with a dream and crescendo into reality. A large number of students around the world choose studies based on "emotions and pre-mature" desires to achieve a dream profession. Sadly, it does not always work out as perceived and so many times opportunities and time is lost along the way. In the meantime, COVID-19 is also wreaking havoc with future plans for many students/graduates.
To find out more how to "re-align" your future plans and discover your dream profession and career, register here and we will help you match your:
- Qualifications
- Personality Styles
- Career Traits
- Cognitive Abilities
- Experience and more!
The results will be the ticket to that dream job interview where it all begins!
DISC is a quadrant behavioral model based on the work of D William Moulton Marston (1893 – 1947) to examine the behavior of individuals in their environment or within a specific situation (otherwise known as environment).
It therefore focuses on the styles and preferences of such behavior.

There are four main Personality Dimensions or traits within the DISC model, such as:
Dominance – Describes the way you deal with problems, assert yourself and control situations.
Influence - Describes the way you deal with people, the way you communicate and relate to others.
Steadiness - Describes your temperament, patience, persistence, and thoughtfulness.
Compliance - Describes how you approach and organize your activity, procedures and responsibilities.

The DISC theory is often visualized as a quadrant where the top/bottom and left/right side represents specific behavior tendencies.
People who score high on Dominance and Compliance tend to be more task-oriented, where people scoring higher on Influence and Steadiness are more people- oriented. Those scoring high on Dominance and Influence are generally more assertive and active. Higher scores on Compliance and Steadiness give rise to calm and more cautious behavioral styles.
Besides taking a test here that will help you know what career best fits your personality, you will also learn what kind of work environments and occupations suit you best. The test will provide you with a host of occupations to select from (as per the example below) and will then match the ones that fit your personality.
In the event that you envisage to study/ already studied or busy studying "Medical Sciences" and your dream occupation is under threat due to the uncertain conditions around the world; you do not have to re-direct your studies, but rather "re-align" your occupational interests that suit your personality style, circumstances and other.
See a few options for "Medical" occupations below:
Team Manager
It is a good idea to look up more Industries to be sure about your choices. Do not base your decisions on highly paid industries, but rather look at the relevance, niche and sustainability of that Industry! Take in consideration those that embrace the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR), and whether they have international footprints? There is a mass restructuring happening within Corporations to align with the demands of the 4IR - dont be left behind!