Rosemarie Angeline Lodewick
June 2014
Dec' 2020 
December 2023
Serial Entrepreneur / Adventurer / Author
Linked In
Who are we?
1. Amongst other disciplines, we are a registered Skills Development & Recruitment Agency under Section 8 of the Skills Development Act 97 of 1998.
2. Registered with the "POPIA" (Protection Of Private Information Act).
3. Work under the Property Fidelity Fund Certificates of our Property Developers.
Rosemarie's Bio
Rosemarie's life journey is a testimony of wisdom vs intellect. She is a "victor" of the apartheid era of South Africa that sadly left many of her peers (and others) with deep scars due to extreme marginalisation by a past regime. But you ask, why did it not affect Rosemarie? Because the kingdom of God resides in all humans and He is not a respecter of people. Once this truth is understood, outside negative factors cannot penetrate the human heart. On the contrary, we are imperfect, and "some" negative and unfair occurances are able to throw us off balance, but once again, the comfort that God is ultimately our source allows us to always bounce back! As a matter of fact, the word of God says, quote: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this workd, against spiritual wickedness in high places". Ephesians 6:12 (KJV).
Rosemarie was fortunate to sharpen her skills during her tenure at many amazing banks.
1988 -1994
ABSA (Associated Banks of South Africa)
- HR Practitioner - Rosemarie acquired her HR Diploma (PGDPM) from the "Institute for Personnel Management" - Parktown, Johannesburg (SA).
- Marketer - ABSA Property Division - she moved to this division as one of the pioneers to expedite the "Multi-Listing" software system that was marketed to the Real Estate Fraternity in SA.
1995 - 2003
- Sales & Marketing Consultant, Property Division - as a top performer on a consistent basis, when Rosemarie achieved 1st place nationally for writing the highest value of home loan business during 1999, she moved from Nedbank's Property Division to consult to Corporate SA on behalf of Nedbank's Group Schemes Division.
- Master Trainer, HIV Aids Nedbank Projects - nominated as one of the pioneers to start the Nedbank HIV Aids project.
- Part-time studies - during 2002, Rosemarie did night studies at the Rhema Bible College to obtain a Diploma in "Community Leadership" that included Christian Business Principles. This knowledge and qualification still stands her in good stead to deliver her social contribution to society, and to uphold ethical business principles.
- During 2003, Rosemarie left Nedbank to start her own business, and delved into what she knew best.
Products and Services:
2003 - date
- Mortgage Origination
- Property Development consulting
- Business Development consulting
Training Nedbank staff under a private vendor: 2006 - 2007:
i) Code of banking practice; ii) Crime Awareness; iii) Basil II Financial Intelligence
2019 Additions - Date
- Job Readiness - in favour of Tertiary Graduates
- Consumer Education - Credit Repair 4 Home Buyers
N.B. Please visit our "Consumer Education Page " on this website for ease of reference to know all about our ground-breaking and revolutionary product! Whilst 60% + home loan applicants are declined at the banks, we offer a "Rehabilitation Solution" - we subsequently assist with the submission of the home loan.
Extra murals
- Cooking, domestic chores, and occasionally baby-sitting grandchildren:-)
- Reading, travel and outdoors
1975 - 1983
- Youth Leader
- Served on her Community Sports and Housing Committees
- Running, and played social tennis
- Writing: i) journals ii) wrote and directed a play (The Mock Wedding)
- Freelance journalism - Beeld Newspapers
- Continuity Presenter in training - presented six slots of the opening program on TV1's "From the Book" (a bible reading presentation).
Wrote and self-published her book called “The Rugby Fan”.
- The book is based on a true story of an All Black Rugby Player (the stalwart Stephan Donald), who was under duress by fans for losing two critical games for the All Blacks - something that does not bode well with the All Black fairytale rugby!
-The book advocates rational, fair and decent sports blogging where Rosemarie was one of only two females amongst an army of International males and ruthless bloggers!
- Blogging on, while at work during 2010 - 2013 was a roller coaster experience! Here Rosemarie set the record straight and distinguished loyal fans from haters. She took the opportunity to encourage players to express their faith, use rhythm more (maybe go Nia Dancing - a Chinese dancing technique to boost rhythm , a chapter in the book). She also encouraged athletes to consider relocating to other rugby nations to obtain financial sustainability, as rugby does not provide any guarantee, neither does it sustain families of rugby players after they hung up their boots!
- Real time blogging content is documented in the book that includes much humor, tears, and passion during blogging. The book goes on to advocate unbiased relationships between athletes and fans, and also shares the history of rugby (educational).
- New Zealand government made a documentary of the fairytale story of Stephan Donald, called "The Kick". This documentary depicts many emotions of the player himself, the nation and the fans. SD was a villain for most of his early rugby career despite his brilliant talent and prowess; when backed by Rosemarie for three years during the blogging fiesta - she made a statement on the blog and said, quote "Stephen Donald will be the last man standing come 2011 Rugby World Cup". This prophetic statement turned into reality and vindicated both SD and Rosemarie! The book tells more! Get your copy.....
The book was:
- launched at Twickenham, London during a Rugby show - 2014
- awarded author of the month at OR Thambo International's marketing fair, in association with Exclusive books and Kwenda Marketing (2015) -

- Is available on Amazon International and a few online stores
Operating Company - History
Rosemarie’s company, “MasterClass Trading 133 CC” is a registered company within the SA law and a VAT Vendor. The company ethos runs on sound values and fall under the Jurisdiction of God the Father and CEO, Jesus Christ the Savior and Marketing Head, The Holy Spirit, Operational Force, Power and Counsellor - thousands of angels as subordinates and way-makers.
“Miracles happen every day, change your perception of what a miracle is and you’ll see them all around you."
-Jon Bon Jovi-